Listening and checking out an Audiobook in OverDrive is SUPER easy!
To create a bookmark, tap at the top of the player. If you'd like, you can add a note.
To create a highlight, play the audiobook, then tap and hold for however long you need. Here, you can add a note.
Bookmarks, notes, and highlights are saved in the audiobook under > Bookmarks (and reappear there if you borrow the book again).
In an audiobook, tap to choose between play speed options.
Or, drag down on to set a custom speed (from 0.6x-3x).
Tap at the top right of the audiobook player to set or stop the sleep timer. By default, the timer is set for 30 minutes.
To change the timer, drag down on . You can choose between 5-120 minutes or to stop at the end of the chapter.
Libby remembers your sleep timer choice. That way, you can just tap to set the same timer again.
When you find a Audiobook you like you will come to page like the one below:
If you want to test the narrorator's voice (highly recommended) click "listen to a sample."
After choosing to borrow the title, select your loan period - between 7 to 21 days
And we have arrived! Time to get some good listening under our belts!
*Notice the "Sample" banner in the left hand corner of the listening sample above is gone! This is the real deal!