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LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning: The Basics

1. There is a menu at the top that says "Browse" click this and a menu like the one to the right will appear.

2. Within LinkedIn Learning, videos are organized in three unique ways:

  1. Subjects - are broad topics covering subjects such as online education, user experience, and photography. Videos and courses within this column will be broad, so you can explore what the subject might contain. For example, the Photography subject gives you videos on: Photoshop, Camera Raw, iPhone, Bridge, and After Effects.
  2. Software - videos in this column are for certain software ex: excel, Photoshop, MySQL, and Python.
  3. Learning Paths - this column features curated courses that help you achieve a goal like, "Become a Python Developer," or "Become a Video Editor." Learning paths offer a certificate when completed, that you can share on your LinkedIn site and put on your resume!

Inside a LinkedIn Learning Course

Features within the Course

Each course has a landing page, like the one below, featuring an achievable certificate, exercise files, a brief overview, and learning objectives.

Exercise Files in LinkedIn Learning

The most exciting thing about LinkedIn Learning videos are the exercise files that allow you to follow along with the course hosts.

Video Contents

Contents of the Videos

Each course has a contents column that allows you to keep track of where you are and see what topics are approaching.

Here, you can go forward if you already know the content, or can go backward if you need to better understand the topics discussed in a previous video.

Video Transcripts

Every video has a transcript that you can utilize if you are in a space where you can't use audio, or if you need to ensure you understand the speaker.