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Information Systems, Information Assurance, and Computer Science Resources

Use this guide to find online and print resources in information/computer systems and information assurance. The guide is designed for both on-campus and distance education students and includes online sources accessible through the Library.

Locating materials in the Library

To locate materials that are in the Library, search the Library Catalog.

The Library uses the Library of Congress (LC) call number system to shelve materials. Information systems and assurance materials may be found in the following LC Call Number areas in the library:

Commerce (HF) - HF5400
Mathematics and Computer Science (QA) - QA76
Telecommunications (TK) TK5100
Library Science (Z) - Z662 to Z8999

Ideas for searching Library Catalog (subject headings / keywords)

When items are added to the Library Catalog, subject headings are assigned to each item from a list called Library of Congress Subject Headings.   For example, the LC subject heading is "computer security,"  not "information assurance."  Therefore, you would want to search for both phrases when searching for items in the Library Catalog. To help you find keywords for searching, here are some selected subject headings from Library of Congress Subject Headings.

Algorithms Use of Microcomputers
Computer Science
Information Science
Computer security
Computer crimes
Identity theft
Information warfare
Computer networks
Computer network protocols
Wireless communication systems
Wireless LANs
Wireless Internet
Data Structures
Information Technology
Computer Algorithms
Electronic Commerce
Computer architecture
Electronic Data processing
Multimedia Systems
Computer Logic
Human-computer Interaction
Systems Design