To research legal topics, select the database LexisUni below.
LexisUni will guide you to a central place to find:
1. Laws.
To do research effectively, you must understand the difference between judicial, statutory, and administrative law.
2. Legal news and analysis found in:
For legal research, use Lexis Uni!
State and federal codes (organized and classified collections of laws passed by legislatures) are available online on LexisUni. Keep in mind that the layout and organization of the print versions of the codes may make it easier to make sense of the law.
Available in print in the Mundt Library are:
The print code is divided into "Titles" (volumes) and chapters that provide a subject or agency arrangement of the laws created by the SD legislatures.
Reading a paragraph in the context of its chapter will often make more sense than the same paragraph retrieved by itself in a search of LexisUni. Also, many people find the print indexes to the Code a better method for finding what is needed than using a LexisUni search. If you are having difficulty with LexisUni, consider using the print version instead AND ask a librarian for help.
This is a print index to the contents of the U.S. Code. Due to the organization of the index, it can sometimes be easier to use it than searching LexisUni. The print index can be used to locate the specific title, chapter, and paragraph needed which you can then use in LexisUni for efficient retrieval of what you need. If you are having difficulty with LexisUni, consider using the print index to the U.S. Code AND ask a librarian for help.
Articles on legal aspects of business can be found: