Since request for CVs, 8 items were added. 9 faculty items from College of Education in Beadle Scholar |
5 downloads since beginning of year |
124 total sections offered in Fall 2023 excluding labs and dissertations |
119 sections had syllabi available for review |
38 sections had no required course materials |
0 sections provided access to free course materials |
For 0 of these sections free access was provided by the library |
38 total sections with $0 textbook cost - 31.9% of sections reviewed |
2 sections require students to purchase a text that the library currently has access to - there are 29 students in these sections Using the library provided materials would have saved students approximately $1698 |
17 additional sections have texts that the library could provide unlimited access - there are 300 students in these sections |
It would cost $1535.77 for the library to purchase the additional texts This would have saved students approximately $10297 |
Requests made in Spring 2023.
Rubric developed in Fall 2023.
Requests reviewed in Spring 2024.
Share with Library Committee.