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College Meeting: Beacom

Beadle Scholar

Beacom College of Computer & Cyber Sciences

Since request for CVs, 42 items were added.

59 faculty items from Beacom College in Beadle Scholar

103 downloads in last 30 days

Course Materials

Beacom College of Computer & Cyber Sciences

187 total sections offered in Fall 2023 excluding labs and dissertations

181 sections had syllabi available for review

115 sections had no required course materials

20 sections provided access to free course materials - in 13 sections all required course materials were free, in 7 sections at least 1 required course material was free

For 16 of these sections free access was provided by the library - there are 258 students in these sections

128 total sections with $0 course materials cost - 70.7% of sections reviewed


10 sections require students to purchase a text that the library currently has access to - there are 216 students in these sections

Using the library provided materials would have saved students approximately $10236

2 additional sections have texts that the library could provide unlimited access - there are 46 students in these sections

It would cost $540.00 for the library to purchase the additional texts

This would have saved students approximately $1403

Resource Request

Requests made in Spring 2023.

Rubric developed in Fall 2023.

Requests reviewed in Spring 2024.

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