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BADM 476

PURPOSE: Provides a list of potential sources of data for students who need data for projects in BADM 476.

Websites that provide company data

Research databases that provide company data

In addition to providing business magazine and journal articles, some research databases also provide methods for gathering data and comparing companies and industries.

How to compile company data in LexisUni:

  • When you login to LexisUni, click "Menu" in the upper left-hand corner near the LexisUni logo
  • Select "Company Dossiers"
  • Click "Create a company list" on the left-hand side of the screen
  • Example:
  1. In the top section of the form, switch the company type to "all public" companies.
  2. In the lower section of the form, use the Geography filter to select United States and then select a few states to get enough companies for your data assignment.
  3. Click "create."
  4. On "your company list - preview", check to make sure you have enough companies. Then click the button to the right labeled "Next - customize list."
  5. Customize your company list by selecting the items that will be your variables.
  6. On the "your company list - results" window, click to "download selected items"
  7. Download Excel spreadsheet.