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MBA Research Guide

Step 3: Locate Information

Use the information on this page to find library-provided research databases appropriate for business research topics.  

A video tutorial for using library databases can be found on the "Video: Navigating the Library Online" page in this guide.

Find Journal Articles

Search the following databases for scholarly and trade journal articles.

Find Company & Industry Info

Search the following databases for company and industry information.

Find Books & eBooks

Search the following databases to find books, including ebooks.

Court Cases, Legal Codes, Regulations, & Other Legal Information

To research legal topics, use LexisUni.

The LexisUni database will guide you to a central place to find:

Laws - To do research effectively, you must understand the difference between judicial, statutory, and administrative law.

  1. Judicial refers to court cases.
  2. Statutory or Legislative refers to laws passed by legislatures.
  3. Administrative.refers to the rules and regulations developed by government agencies in order to carry out the laws passed by legislatures.

Legal News & Analysis

  1. Legal news publications
  2. Law reviews which are a special type of journal article published in a law review journal. The article will provide an overview of a specific area of law by reviewing the pertinent court cases, legislation, and regulations that are most significant. This type of article can give you a better understanding of what matters in a particular legal topic than what you might gain by reading piecemeal articles without understanding the context of what has gone on in legal history.

Journal Articles

Articles on legal aspects of business can be found in business research databases such as:

It is important to note that "law reviews" are a special form of legal article. An article in a law review journal will provide an overview of a specific area of law by reviewing the pertinent court cases, legislation, and regulations that are most significant. This type of article can give you a better understanding of what matters in a particular legal topic by providing the context of what has gone on in legal history.