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CSC 321


This page provides links to style sheets for citation styles. Style sheets provide examples of how to cite print books and articles, e-books, articles in online databases, articles on the web, web pages, etc.

Your course instructors will typically require you to use a specific publication/citation style such as MLA, APA  or IEEE. Use the citation style recommended by your professor. If no style is recommended, choose one style and stick to it. Consistency is key, so don't mix styles in a bibliography.

Each style has its own rules, so you will need to know what those rules are. Visit our Citation Style guide for help using APA, MLA, AMA, IEEE, legal, scientific, and oral presentation citations and formats.

APA Citation Style Guides

APA Citation

The sources listed below provide assistance and examples of the APA style.

Best starting point on the Web for citation examples:

APA provides the following sources:

IEEE and Chicago Style Guides

IEEE and Chicago Styles